Singing Guide: The Go-Go's

Singing Guide: The Go-Go's

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to sing like The Go-Go's

The Go-Go's were the first all-female band to hit the top of the Billboard 200 charts with their debut album, "Beauty and the Beat." They have a distinctive sound, characterized by their tight harmonies, fast tempos, and punk-influenced attitude. In this article, we'll explore how to sing like The Go-Go's, highlighting their unique vocal technique and offering practical advice to help you achieve their signature sound.

Vocal Range and Harmony

The Go-Go's are known for their tight harmonies and unique vocal range. Their vocals are not high-pitched like those of many female vocalists but instead sit in a mid-range register. To sing like The Go-Go's, you need to first determine your vocal range. Singing Carrots offers a vocal range test that compares your vocal range with those of famous singers. You can take the test here: Vocal range test.

If you're aiming to sing like The Go-Go's, it's important to practice singing in harmony with others. Singing Carrots' pitch training tool, which includes a pitch visualizer and exercises for pitch accuracy, will help you improve your harmony skills. Try it for free here: Pitch training.

Vocal Technique

The Go-Go's have a punk-influenced vocal technique, characterized by fast tempos and a raw, unpolished sound. To master this technique, it's essential to understand the basics of singing, including breathing, posture, and articulation. Singing Carrots' "Breathing basics" article will help you cultivate strong breath support. Read it here: Breathing basics.

The band's open, raw sound is achieved by maintaining an open mouth and throat while singing, which can help to eliminate tension and strain. Learn more about the importance of an open mouth and throat in this article: Open mouth & throat.

To sing like The Go-Go's, you should also explore the use of vocal registers and the vocal break, which can add variety and interest to your singing. Singing Carrots' "Voice registers & vocal break" article offers an overview of these techniques: Voice registers & vocal break.

Signature Songs

The Go-Go's have numerous hits that showcase their signature sound. Here are a few songs to focus on if you want to learn how to sing like The Go-Go's:

  • "We Got the Beat"
  • "Vacation"
  • "Head over Heels"
  • "Our Lips Are Sealed"
  • "Turn to You"

Performance Tips

The key to a successful Go-Go's performance is energy and attitude. To convey that, it's important to experiment with contemporary vocal techniques like heavy modal, twang and belting. Learn more about these techniques in this article: Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting

Singing Carrots' "How to overcome stage fright" and "Tips for performing on stage" articles can also help you overcome nerves and deliver a confident and engaging performance. Check them out here:


The Go-Go's are a pioneering all-female band with a unique vocal technique that can be emulated through careful practice and attention to detail. By working on your vocal range, vocal technique, harmony skills, and performance skills, you can learn to sing like The Go-Go's and achieve their distinctive sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.